Home » -Major Exams-K-12 Tests & Quizzes

-Major Exams-K-12 Tests & Quizzes

Middle School Quarter and Final Exams (Includes Algebra 1)
High School Final Exams

Algebra 1 Retake 65 Q & A & E

6th Grade Practice Exam

7th Grade Practice Exam

8th Grade Practice Exam

Algebra 1 Practice Exams: 1 2 345

Geometry Practice Exam1

Geometry Practice Exam2

Math quizzes by Grade Level

Broward FSA warm-ups: 3   Geo Algebra 1

Geometry Practice

FSA Countdowns: 3 6 7  8 Alg1

A+ Math Problems for all levels


FSA Math Practice Packets  

More FSA Practice

Math10.com Tests

Math Quizzes from Softschools

Math and Logic Problems

Pre-Algebra Diagnostic Pre-Test

Illustrative Math

24 Q&A 6th Grade Practice Test with Reference Sheet

Florida Students Math Activities

Grade 3-8 FSA Practice Tests

Sample 3-8 FSA questions


Math Quizzes

K-12 Math Quizzes

Quizlet        Quizlet’s Guide

Grades 3-12 EOC Practice tests

SAT-ACT Practice Tests

K-12 Placement Tests

1-6 placement Tests

6th Placement Test

Grade 8 FSA Practice (60 questions)

3rd Grade word problems      4th Grade Word Problems    5th Grade word problems

6th grade End-of-Year Test     7th grade Math Word Problems    8th grade Word Problems

Grade 9 Math Problems   Grade 10 Math Problems   Grade 11 Math Problems   Grade 12 Math Problems

Geometry Final Exam Review

Grade 6-8 Math Diagnostic Test

FCAT/FSA grades 3-10 Tests (Questions and Answers)

Math and Science Lab.

Engage NY from Pre-K to grade 12.


Grades 1-6 Math Word problems’ Worksheets

Elementary 3-5 Final Exams

All math Final Exams
Algeba 1 Final Exam
6-8 grades math diagnostic test
Fractions (low grades) math diagnostic test
6-8 grades math diagnostic test
Fractions (low grades) math diagnostic test
SAT question of the day

www.collegeboard.org SAT practice



Getting Ready for grade 4 packet

FSA Practice:  6   6   7     8   8   Alg1   Alg1   Geo   Geo



.CPT Math practice test

P.E.R.T. Student copy



PERT Algebra Review

Math Practice tests from PARCC http://parcc.pearson.com/practice-tests/math/

Math Quizzes 1

Math quizzes 2

Math Quizzes 3

Math Quizzes 4

Test Taking Tips:

1. https://youtu.be/sDYx9qM_ygg

2. https://youtu.be/uzZ3mDF1hns

3. https://youtu.be/xHmFTnkqdz0

4. https://youtu.be/0aF7G0TMh7M

5. https://youtu.be/LEFzQzNCrYg

6. https://youtu.be/Q1y8c_MZYvE

7. https://youtu.be/4FsgwLWdSS8

8. https://youtu.be/VrBAV43Swtw

9. https://youtu.be/VJbKXmujI00

10. https://youtu.be/l-gQLqv9f4o